Accountability Mechanisms working around Health and Education in Kaduna state met to review tracking tools for adoption by Education, Health and Local Government Mechanisms for tracking the 2023 budget.
The Mechanisms represented at the review session at Hotel 17 in Kaduna were KADBEAM, KADMAM and KADLGAM.
The objective of the session include reflection session with relevant actors in the health and education on project tracking; support partners in health and education to review and adapt existing tools for project tracking; Track selected health and education projects in the 2023 budget of the state; and support citizens to sustain dialogue and advocacy effort towards influencing implementation of the 2023 education and health budget for effective service delivery.
A session on selection of Federal, State and Local Government projects in Health and Education from 2023 Budget to track was facilitated by Gloria Kasang Bulus, the secretary of KADBEAM.
Danjuma Dangwa, facilitated the interactive session on strategies to to engage public procurement in health and education, while Leslie Dongh took the participants on Developing an Action Plan fro Tracking and Reporting 2023 Projects.
The presentation and Feedback on Tracking Tools Prototype for Local Government Budget and Service Delivery in Health and Education was done by Seth Luke of the KAD-LGAM.
Timothy Sajoh administered the Needs assessment for KADLGAM and KADBEAM for tracking key budget outputs for better learning outcomes.
The review session was supported by Partnership to Engage Reform and Learn (PERL), UKAID and KADBEAM.