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HomeNewsInternational Peace Day: Clerics Teach Peace Building

International Peace Day: Clerics Teach Peace Building

International peace Day ;Nigerian Christian Clerics has embarked on Teaching Peace building sermon among little children,so as to start learning peace mission  at early age ,in other to be Good future peace ambassadors & peace mediators.

A head of world International peace day celebration, Team of 10 Christian Clerics from southern part of kaduna-North-western Nigeria  headed by pastor Yohanna Buru the general overseer of Christ Evangelical and Life intervention  Fellowship has embarked on  Teaching the little children Peace building, which includes Tolerance, Forgiveness ,and promoting better understanding,in other to boost  Interfaith & Harmony among children of Different faith -base organization in Nigeria.

According to the pastor ,there is the need to  “catch- them –Young” through teaching them the message of peace and Harmony,so that when they grow,they will learn how to Tolerate and accommodate every one irrespective of his /her religious and ethnicity differences ,and that is why they are committed in  Teaching the little children Peace ,Tolerance and Forgiveness at the early stage.

Pastor Buru said,the world International peace day is to be celebrated on the 21th of September,but they decided to start the celebration of the month since from the beginning of  This September, and hoping that throughout the month,there will be daily activities that will promote peace  and Unity in both Home,schools,Car park,Cinema,Market ,Temples ETC

The theme for 2017 is “Together for Peace: Respect, Safety and Dignity for All.”

Pastor buru also added that ‘we are going to use the religious teaching in educating our Future leaders  what the words of God says and how they will interact and build relationship  with other children who are of differente faith,so that they support Government and Non –Governmental organization ,including Civil societies Organization in promoting peaceful co-existence and better understanding between muslims and Christian in Nigeria

This year, the International Day of Peace will focus on engaging and mobilizing people throughout the world to show support for refugees and migrants. Its messages will be shared with communities hosting refugees and migrants as well as people concerned that refugees and migrants may bring physical and economic insecurity to their lives.

The Clerics then calls on every Nigerian to remembered that “We all are from Adam and Eve and because both Muslims and Christians have their books and scriptures that guide them, we should rely on the scriptures.”

Pastor Buru said,we have plan series of activities to celebrate the world international peace day in a Big way,because apart from organizing Football match,Visiting Islamic schools,meeting with Other peace NGO & CSO,will will organize an endurance trekking on the 21th September 2017,but then there will be other activities like reading and write among Inmate to boost inter-faith activities

”By God grace ,we are going to organize a grand rally to mark international peace day in kaduna,and we are hoping that every stake holder will participate in the rally including Clerics and traditional holders ,”

Buru concluded by saying that the impact of the previous ethno-religious and political crises in the state that claimed hundreds of lives and properties was a serious setback peaceful co-existence in Kaduna, urged clerics from both religions to preach sermons that foster unity and peaceful co-existence.



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