Selling Point

Selling Point Business Network

Membership Registration

Registration Fees

  • N1,000

Membership Fee:

  • Annual           – N25,000.00
  • Quarterly      – N10,000
  • Monthly        – N3,000.00

ID card (Optional)

  • N1,000

Terms and conditions for participation

  1. All interested members shall register with our organization
  2. Membership Identi­cation and Proxy Card cost N1,000.00. This will give you access to exclusive events/deals for members only.
  3. All members are required to furnish us with details of their addresses including biometrics (Photo &Fingerprints).
  4. Goods imported/purchased for members must be cleared within 3 days of arrival in our office
  5. Demurrage of N5000 will be charged per day, after 3 days, for all good/items imported/purchased for members/clients.
  6. Unclaimed Items will be auctioned off after 90 days of arrival (to cover cost of demurrage).
  7. Members are responsible for the cost of purchase, customs duty, freight/shipping, exchange rate commission, Goods inspector’s fees etc.
  8. Members must pay all fees/charges before claiming any imported/purchased item(s) within 3 days of arrival to Nigeria.
  9. Selling point administrative charges on sourced/imported/purchased item(s) is 2% of total cost of transaction.
  10. Members are entitled to one (1) free Radio Hype on Selling Point Radio Programme every month

Radio Programme Participation

  1. Listing fee for Items on the programme is N1,500 per Item
  2. Members must show prove of ownership of the products/goods to be sold.
  3. Members must give one month guarantee on all goods to be sold.
  4. Members will deposit the goods/product to be sold at our selling point. The buyers will buy from our selling point only, unless exempted officially.
  5. Members interested in advertising other goods and services on the radio programme, tv programme or website/internet will pay our intra programme commercial rate.
  6. We shall collect 2.5% of the selling cost as our commission on all goods/products sold at our selling point

Advert Rates

Jingles 30 seconds  N3,000

Jingles 45 seconds  N4,000

Jingles 1 Minute     N4,500


            2-3 Minutes N7,500

Chats 5 Minutes     N10,000

Chats 10 Minutes   N18,000

Chats 15 Minutes   N32,000

**All adverts must be accompanied by APCON certificate.

For enquires call\SMS 08094646209